Monday, August 09, 2010

Tax cuts for rich people > teachers and roads

That's the Republican message to America today. They're opposed to a $26 billion package to help states and local governments do things like keep 140,000 teachers employed and not have to unpave their roads because they can't afford to maintain paved roads. However, Republicans congressmen are for keeping the Bush tax cuts for people making over $250,000 a year. Heaven forbid that the richest Americans would have to pay the tax rate they paid in the 1990's. Oh the HORROR! Maintaining those tax cuts will cost a hell of a lot more than $26 billion, by the way.

Te recap:
Tax cuts for rich people = GREAT
Keeping 140,000 teachers employed and many other services for average Americans = BAD

How do these clowns get any votes at all?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should all be so lucky as to pay very little in taxes, instead of being robbed by government to keep ineffective, tenured teachers miseducating kids. Nevermind the literacy rate. Nevermind the graduation rate. Just throw more money down the hole and hope it works this time.

11/18/2011 06:03:00 PM  

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