Tuesday, November 16, 2004

'A' for Effort!

So there's a college in S.C. that bases 60% of your grades during your freshman year on showing up to class and participating. You can fail every exam and still pass the course. You can read about it here. They've even fired 2 professors who refused to use the new grading policy.

It's just like my performance review for my first year on the job. It went something like this: Good job, junior! You showed up for work this year and participated! We don't care too much that you hardly produced any work products and what little you did produce sucked ass and had to be reworked by a competent employee! At least you tried and that's what counts! Here's your promotion!


Wake up, morons. The purpose of grades is to measure what you've learned, what you've achieved, not what you've tried to learn. They were never intended to be a direct measure of effort and lose all meaning when they are used as such. Boot the touchy-feely idiots out who came up with this hare-brained policy and hire some real educators, unless you just like your college being a laughingstock.

In other news, most of us probably saw that Hardees has come out with a 1,420 calorie hamburger. They're calling it the "Fat Ass Deluxe", or something...


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