Monday, November 22, 2004

She ho'ed ya, man!

Now for something completely different....

Is there anything more impersonal at times than grinding on the dance floor? Guys out there, ever danced with a girl who never even looks at you? All you ever see is her back for a couple songs and then she's gone. Oh, the players will claim, "noooo... no girl would do that to me. They all check me out, blah blah blah", but let's be honest. If you dance at the clubs much, it's happened. One of my college buddies would describe it so eloquently as "She ho'ed ya, man! She ho'ed ya!"

Ever wonder if you tagged out for another guy if she'd even notice? You know, you want another beer so you get some guy next to you and sub him in on her ass. If she's drunk enough ya might even be able to sub in a post or something. You make your way to the bar, get your beer, make a slow circuit of the club, check out the ladies, come back... maybe tag back in. She never realizes you were gone. Now wouldn't that make ya feel special? :)

Maybe the club is where some women try to get revenge and treat us like objects. :P


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