Monday, April 18, 2005

At least the drinks were free

The cruise ship Norwegian Dawn was in the news this weekend after it was struck by a rogue 70 foot wave. A couple of hot tubs were washed overboard, people were cut by broken glass, cabins were flooded, and waves reached as high as the tenth deck as the ship was buffeted by 40 foot swells for hour after hour. On the plus side, the drinks were free! Yes, the captain made everything okay by opening up the bar. I'm sure when you're seasick from 40 foot swells, you want lots of good, stiff drinks. Vomiting is fun, right? Apparently the casino featured flying poker chips, soaked playing cards, etc. No problem. Just grab that whiskey bottle as it floats by. It's free!

Apparently some were able to keep the booze down, such as the ship's piano player who kept playing the Titanic theme song. Great idea! When you have a cruise ship full of terrified people caught in a storm, you should definitely keep playing a song about a famous ship that SANK AND KILLED OVER A THOUSAND PEOPLE!


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