Wednesday, May 11, 2005

More idiocy from schools

In school administrative stupidity, a student was arrested for having a handful of 3 ½ nails in his pocket. Yes, the student was caught with the nails and police were brought in to protect the student body from this dangerous boy! He could poke someone’s eye out! I say they give him the chair. The nails were apparently absentmindedly left in the kid’s pocket after a boy scout camping trip. The school’s principle was unavailable for comment as his head was so far up his ass he couldn’t hear the questions. All reporters could make out was some mumbling about “zero tolerance” coming from the administrator’s nether region. In related news students will no longer be allowed to carry pens and pencils. The deadly writing instruments will be securely locked away in the classroom at the end of each period. Any student found in possession of pens or pencils will be tasered. Twice.

At another public school, an administrator has objected because an e-mail was sent on the school network with the big bad “God” word in it (4th story down). The admin said such an e-mail has no place on the school network. It was an e-mail for members of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, you retard! Now a religious group at the school whose membership is entirely voluntary can’t even use the e-mail system? Are you freaking nuts? What does it matter? Let the Christian group use it. Let the Muslim group use it. Let the Buddhist group use it. Hell, let the scientologist group use it, but be sure to kick their members in the nuts for being so stupid as to join that money hungry science fiction cult.

In Kansas they’re having hearings about whether Intelligent Design should be taught alongside evolution in the public schools. Ridiculous. What I’d like to hear from the scientists, and I haven’t yet, is that in a school science curriculum you don’t teach every hypothesis that comes along and is advocated by a small group of scientists. You teach from the body of established scientific knowledge that has wide acceptance in the community. The intelligent design advocates want us to think that the scientific community is sharply divided over whether or not evolution is a valid theory, as though it’s a 50/50 debate for and against. The truth is it’s more like a 99/1 for and against debate in the relevant fields of science. You do not teach the 1% view in a school science curriculum. The evolution critics, despite their refusal to admit it, want their side taught for one simple reason. It agrees with their religious views.

Like everyone else, I can't help but wonder what Pink Floyd thinks of all this education related nonsense, but they won't return my calls.


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