Friday, July 15, 2005

Bored, bored, bored, bored.... meh.

It's always hard coming back from a vacation to normal life, especially the active vacations I prefer, and especially one with a busload of crazy people involved. For over two weeks there were exciting things to do and new things to see every day. Then it was back to reality. Yawwwwwwn. I needed a break for a couple days to catch up on my sleep after Spain, but once I'd recovered, I was ready to go again. I've been doing my best to find things to do around here. Obviously it's not nearly as exciting though. Plus there are of course some days where there just isn't much of anything to do. Since Sunday I've had something going with friends every day but Tuesday, and it's still not enough. I'm stir crazy. Now here it is Friday night and I have no plans. Bleh. Guess I could go to a movie tonight. There are at least a couple I want to see at the theater, but that just sounds dull right now.

Penis gourd!
Err... sorry, random Fark cliche there...


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