Monday, August 22, 2005

Asshat patient files complaint when doctor tells her the truth

In more proof that people are idiots, a New Hampshire woman recently filed a complaint with the state's Board of Medicine because her doctor told her she was obese. He continued that she needed to lose weight to get healthier and that the weight was bad for her health and her love life, a lecture he gives many patients. The idiot wrote her letter and inexplicably the letter was not thrown away or burned. It was passed on to the state Attorney General's office, who is investigating the matter. Unbelievable. Why go to the doctor if you're going to get all offended and file a freaking complaint just because he tells you the truth about your health?

Also here's another article on that giant douche Kevin Trudeau. In the early '90s he received a felony conviction for credit card fraud and spent 22 months in jail. It's a nice addition to his numerous FTC violations. The New York Consumer Protection Board issued a warning this week about his bullshit book. From the article: "This book is exploiting and misleading people who are searching for cures to serious illnesses," said Teresa Santiago, who chairs the board. "From cover to cover, this book is a fraud," she said, adding that a doctor quoted apparently endorsing the book died in 2001.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could say stuff like this surprises me now, but it really doesn't. People are just inherently stupid, which is why I have a job. A good friend of my mom's just found out she has breast cancer. I feel bad for her, except for the fact she's decided to try to cure it holistically, by changing her diet and going to a chiropractor. That would be great if it were supplemental to real medicine, but it's not supplemental, it's the whole shebang. At least she's not completely stupid, she's only trying it for a month, and if she doesn't see improvements, she said she'd start the real medicine. And yeah... I'm sure I had a point when I started this, but it's gone now. So I'll just stop babbling while I'm ahead :-P

8/23/2005 10:05:00 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

That's a case in point for why I believe Kevin Trudeau should win the next "Biggest Douche in the Universe" contest hands down over the previous champion (TV psychic John Edwards). This is all a South Park reference, by the way. But John Edwards's crap, huge douche that he is, doesn't get anyone killed. Trudeau's stuff probably does. People believe him, then try his bullshit "cures" instead of getting real treatment. Putting off treatment equals higher risk of death.

8/25/2005 05:39:00 PM  

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