Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Insanity of James Dobson

In a recent radio broadcast discussing his opposition to stem cell research, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson said:

But I have to ask this question. In World War II, the Nazis experimented on human beings in horrible ways in the concentration camps, and I imagine, if you wanted to take the time to read about it, there would have been some discoveries there that benefited mankind,"

Nice. He's comparing stem cell research to Nazis. Way to Godwin the debate, Dobson. More proof, as if we needed it, that this man is bat shit crazy.

Senator Frist finally did something sensible when he announced his support of stem cell research using fertility clinic embryoes that would otherwise be discarded. Of course Dobson is rabidly opposed to that, even though many thousands of embryoes are instead thrown into the trash every year. Dobson unrealistically wants every single embryo saved until someone adopts it because that microscopic bunch of cells is a human being in his book.

Dobson and other whacko fundamentalists like him want their opinions to be the law of the land, and sometimes they succeed. Scary.


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