Sunday, November 13, 2005

Fans are nuts

I seldom pay much attention to the NFL besides following the Colts progress, but this columnist's report on the mail he's been getting caught my eye. Halfway through the season, he gave every NFL team a grade primarily based on wins and quality of wins (beating good teams). His e-mail box was immediately buried in hate mail from fans who didn't think he'd rated their favorite teams high enough. Question... umm... why? Why do people care what letter grade some columnist gave their football team? Why does this inspire them to send rude, profanity filled letters to him?

On the plus side, at least he knows people are reading. With that in mind, I'd like to officially give all NFL teams (except Indy, of course) an F. That's right, your team sucks. I give them an F. They fail. They're losers who will never amount to anything. hah! And by the way, whoever your favorite rock band is, I hate them. They suck. Stop listening to those no talent hacks and find some real music like Vanilla Ice!


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