Monday, June 26, 2006

Congress keeps wasting time

With unprecedented budget and trade deficits and a very costly war in Iraq among the important issues facing the United States right now, what have our Congressional leaders been busy doing this month? Well, if they're the Republican majority, their big three issues have been as follows:

1) Proposed Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. The bill failed.
2) Make the estate tax repeal permanent (Right now it's set to go down each year and be completely eliminated in 2009, then come back in 2010. So make sure your rich elders die in 2009.) This will benefit the richest 1% in America and only them. Again, the bill failed.
3) They're now proposing a Constitutional amendment giving Congress the right to ban flag burning at any time.

Honestly, what the fark? How about addressing some of the real problems we're facing, morons? I'm sick of these buffoons who are willing to flush the country down the toilet to cater to the foolish masses yelling "Oh noes! The moral fabric of our society is under attack!!!"


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