Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another comment on the Muslim community center that won't be at ground zero and won't even be visible from ground zero, but people are going nuts about it anyway:

WHY THE F*CK ARE WE STILL TALKING ABOUT THIS SHIT?! There are far, far more important issues going on in this country, yet the news cycles have been completely dominated by this stupid f*cking issue for days on end! Let's talk about our wars or our shitty economy or health care or something that actually matters. Bloody hell. Americans are so easily led away from important issues to focus on trivial bullshit. Why do we even have news networks at this point? Mostly they just shovel shit. OMG! Look at what Britney Spears did today! Wow! Ooohhh... time to check CNN for the latest news on American Idol! Yeah, that's a great use for a news network, updates on a f*cking television show. Damn it all to hell.

Baaa-ah-ah-ah! Baaaa-ah-ah-ah! Feed me more mindless schlock. I hate thinking about stuff. Ow, my balls!



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