Thursday, January 20, 2005

PTO, a tool of satan

No entries since Jan 10th... wow, I suck. I've been sick lately. That's pretty fun. This time it was sick enough to keep me at home sometimes, probably a touch of the flu. I blame the lack of flu shots this year. Well, that and the sick coworkers who've come to work lately. My company, like so many now, has PTO (paid time off) instead of vacation days and sick days. That means in effect that our sick days come out of time we'd rather use for vacation. So we have a strong incentive to drag our ailing asses in to work if we can stand up long enough to get here. It doesn't matter if we're so sick we stare mindlessly at our computer monitor for 8 hours. We're here so it counts! Of course it also gives us the opportunity to share our sickness with our coworkers. My coworkers do it. I do it. It's very stupid. Give us actual sick days instead of assuming we're dishonest bastards who will abuse them, and maybe we won't come into work with all our nasty illnesses and make other people sick.

In other news, an exciting e-mail from a Dr. Madiba Themba got past my bulk mail filter. Madiba wanted to inform me of the exciting opportunity he has for me to help him move 26 million dollars out of a South African bank account and into mine! I don't know why this "Chief Auditor ABSA BANK" uses a hotmail account, but all I have to do is send him my account information and I'll be rich! Woohoo! I just know this will work out so much better than it did with that guy from Nigeria last year...


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