A congressman wants to
criminalize broadcast indecency. That's right, you scumbags! Show Janet Jackson's boobie again and your ass is going to jail! Oh wait, this crime would be white collar. Your ass is going on probation and community service! Don't make me put you under house arrest too, biatch! See if I won't. Come on. Open your mouth and see if I won't!
Umm... yeah, this congressman is a dumbass. It's already stupid how much some people in this country freak about "indecency", even though almost all the complaints come from the PTC website, and the huge fines are bad enough. Making it a criminal matter, then burdening broadcasters with a criminal record and maybe worse (jail time?) for violations is insane. I'm sure everyone's children are terribly scarred by one second of a hard to see breast during a halftime show over a year ago, but try to use at least a little common sense when you're wanting to "fix" our society.
It's still funny how it's damn near impossible to get even an NC-17 rating for violence, but sexual content gets there and beyond easily. We fear the boobies that much? Last week I watched a film that included castrations, beheadings, dismemberment, cannibals, main characters (the good guys) brutally torturing their enemies to death, and other cheerful pastimes (see my "Sin City" entry). The rating? R. Yet I'm sure a little more frontal nudity could have pushed it to NC-17.
Does anyone actually think that the kids will have less sex if only we can stamp out all traces of it on broadcast television? I should hope not. Any thinking individual should know that if the parents have successfully instilled the values they want in their kids, that's the only thing that's going to slow the kids down as far as sex goes. I take that back. Encouraging them to masturbate more might slow them down a little bit, the guys anyway, physical limitations being what they are... But no,
we force surgeon generals to resign if they suggest the dreaded M word. Someone might go blind! Needless to say though, saving the kids from Janet Jackson's breast won't stop them. Sorry.
In conclusion, if enough people want to keep broadcast television "clean", then fine, go ahead. But it's stupid to so zealously pursue even the slightest violation of someone's standards, and trying to make it criminal is laughable. We've got bigger things to worry about.
On a more serious note...
RIP John Paul II. I'm not Catholic, but he was a good man who used his powerful position to try to bring people together. While too orthodox in some ways, birth control and women in the clergy for example, I greatly respected his efforts to reach out to people and work for peace, and his opposition to communism. Whoever the Vatican chooses to be Pope next, John Paul II will be a hard act to follow.