Wednesday, January 26, 2005

another sad day in Iraq

We've lost 36 US soldiers in Iraq today, mostly due to a transport helicopter that crashed in a sandstorm and killed all 31 on board. Yet we're stuck in Iraq for now despite the cost in dollars and lives. To abruptly leave the country would be a disastrous move. Remember how much the withdrawal of US troops from Somalia after 18 were killed emboldened bin Laden. It would be like that only exponentially worse. I suppose we also have a bit of the pottery barn motivation to stay. You break it, you buy it. Though Iraq was already broken in that they were ruled by a brutal tyrant who killed hundreds of thousands of his own people. We can't give in to the terrorists though. When someone says these people hate democracy, it's not just right wing propaganda. It's the truth from the lips of the terrorists. Al qaeda has already declared elections to be an evil thing. Now in Iraq they are targeting polling places and warning people to stay away from the polls or suffer the consequences. They claim the elections are illegitimate, but of course no elections would be considered legitimate by these worthless bastards. They don't want elections. They want power for themselves. We're talking about a group of power hungry clerics (often self-proclaimed) and their hordes of misled, ignorant, and/or brainwashed followers.

In other news, Ted Turner gets the Moron of the Day award for comparing Fox News to Adolf Hitler. Ted... you're an idiot. Even most participates in the stupidity that is internet flame boards know that most any argument is utterly ruined by comparing the other side to Hitler. Fox News has a right wing bias and is mostly favorable toward Bush. So according to Ted, that's kind of like a dictator who started a world war and massacred millions and millions of people. Sigh...


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